FullCare! is Project control

for more than 10 years we have been working on complex projects within land- or water infrastructure as '‘Project Caretaker Pur Sang’'. Projects that vary from constructing a new highway, adapting a roundabout reconstructing a provincial road, optimizing a public transport infrastructure and the migration and upgrading or renovating control- or security systems of bridges and tunnels.

Because infrastructural projects are our passion. Because taking care of projects and organizations is.
There is – in our opinion – nothing that beats seeing nothing become something; first in-house, developing and designing behind the desk, together with a team. Later outside; the place where it all comes together. Where a road is built, or thoroughly renovated. A bridge is being preserved. Technical systems are redesigned, reprogrammed or fully renewed or where a public transport system is being upgraded and updated within a city’s urban surrounding s to become a modern, state of the art system.

(Almost) nothing is as beautiful as driving around in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany or wherever else to see objects – highways, bridges, tunnels, trams – you participated in… Literally feel your work, experience it and above all notice that it all matters…

The 4 core values of FullCare!


FullCare! aims to remove any burdens that come with executing large and complex projects. We do so through our role as project controller in the IPM model. We, for example, take care of the concerns of the manager, an organisation, a team or a project manager. In practice, this also means that we create provisions for these managers, organisations, teams or project managers, give ear to them and coach or train where possible, to help the ones involved in helping themselves, making ourselves dispensable in the process.


Projects are characterized by risks that threaten the set goals. A - if not the most important sub goal of a project is handling these risks adequately. Firstly, by acknowledging their existence, and secondly by identifying and preventing their manifestation. And, if that is not possible, letting them affect the set goals as little as possible. The needed measures, of which one or several role-holders carry the responsibility, are 'control-based', and therefore either migitate or control the risks.


Project work is people work. IPM, Integrated Project Management, is - contrary to what many people think and say - a collaboration model and owes its success to that "collaboration". The 5 roles defined within IPM are designed to organize the optimal cooperation, but also the optimal contradiction. Where in the past one person devised, developed and decided on everything, now it is done by ideally 5 professionals, each with their own expertise, energy, preferred style and wisdom. IPM is further characterized by the lack of hierarchy; the role holders take the decisions together and unanimously. In smaller projects, or in projects with a very limited, specific signature, it can happen that one person fills in two roles so that the IPM team can in that case consist of 4 or even 3 people. This indicates that IPM is not rigid but must remain true to some important basic agreements; "Sufficient contradiction by an odd number of roll holders with a minimum of three" and "all roll holders are equal and decide unanimously".


Many may say that 'result' should be on top of the list of priorities. This makes sense, since team quality is often measured by this result. We, however, believe that a positive result can only occur when all of our other core values are executed in the order we present them. If we unburden a project team according to an optimum - as which we see IPM - collaborate and not only acknowledge risks but also control them, only then we will reach the goals intended. Moreover; this will create an environment suited to recognize opportunities, work them out, act upon them and rise above all expectations.